In this “new normal” dictated by an emergency rarely seen before when stricter rules and closed borders impact our lives and businesses, we -still and more than ever – want to find ways to start conversations and partnerships in the entertainment world.
This is why ITTV, The Italian Festival, is welcoming D-HUB Studios -Rome as a new technical partner.
Together we will work on a variety of projects aiming to bring to the attention of Hollywood to every spectrum of the Italian audio-visual production, with a focus not only on the in front of camera talent but also the talent behind the camera.
Like most public events ITTV 2020 has been postponed to 2021.
The Festival will now feature an additional Award, the “ITTV – Sassi d’Oro”.
The award will be given to those workers, especially crew members, who make every film, tv series, documentary possible, with their constant presence and dedication.
ITTV, created by Good Girls Planet, is the first Italian television festival held in Los Angeles, with a specific mission: direct the spotlight on Italian audio-visual production. Thanks to this new approach that includes TV previews, screen tests, panels, networking, meetings with executives and students, red carpets, awards and parties, ITTV will achieve the goal of promoting a reciprocate exchange of ideas while creating new business opportunities.
GGP – founded by Valentina Martelli, Francesca Scorcucchi, and Cristina Scognamillo, is a new agency born in Los Angeles to promote, showcase, and award Italian audiovisual and TV productions.
D-hub Studios was founded in 2013 by Lidia Cudemo, CEO & Partner, to create a HUB of the highest quality and technology in the post-production and dubbing business. “I Sassi d’Oro Impresa, dubbing, Cinema / TV” is a project by D-hub Studios.